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Accessible under hindered conditionsToilets for Ladies and Gents available
Naturheilpraxis für Osteopathie Gerstner und Mohr
AddressDonauschwabenstraße 12
65239 Hochheim am Main
phone0 61 46 90 98 15 1

Opening hours

 Main entrance
Steps in front of the door2
Height of steps14 cm
Area in front of the door: width30 cm
length150 cm
 Door opens inwards
Width of door80 cm
Steps behind the door5
Height of steps19 cm
 ground floor


 Entrance to room
Area in front of the door150 cm x 150 cm
 Door opens inwards
Width of door89 cm


 Corridor door
Area in front of the door: width54 cm
length90 cm
 Door opens inwards
Width of door73 cm
 Unisex toilet
Width of door68 cm


 Terminvereinbarung immer freitags von 14:30 bis 17:30 Uhr.